The Reason to Drink Green Tea in Every Morning

The Reason to Drink Green Tea in Every Morning

We all already know that the efficacy of green tea is so diverse. Starting from the ability to maintain body beauty, lose weight, to maintain health in the body organs. Green tea is no longer a drink that is hard to come by. In traditional markets, supermarkets, to online shops sell various types of processed green tea. In addition, the type of green tea circulating in the Indonesian market is quite diverse. Starting from the original Indonesian green tea to matcha alias Japanese original green tea.

Unfortunately, consciousness to consume green tea does not seem too high. For us as young people, green tea is actually more processed into skin care ingredients than for direct consumption. See, a lot of beauty and skin care products that use green tea as the basic ingredients as well as the main strength of product promotion.

Indeed, the efficacy of green tea for skin beauty no doubt. However, please note that green tea is also good for our health. These ten things become the reason why Ranger recommends you to consume green tea regularly.
1.       Efficacy of Green Tea to Help Lower and Weight Control
Benefits of green tea number one that will be the most important point for some women is its ability to help reduce and control weight. This statement is supported by many studies, one of which is research by Al-Salafi, Irshad, and Abdulghani (2014) who successfully proved that green tea is able to fight obesity. The results suggest that green tea and caffeine catechins are able to reduce obesity significantly when compared with other types of caffeinated beverages. Catechins in green tea not only can stimulate heat and fat release, but also reduce body mass, visceral fat, and total fat in the body.

2.       Reduce Cholesterol That Potentially Disrupts Heart Work
Now confess it, who hobby to eat fried every afternoon or when you're bored? Sure, the fried is really good. Anything if mixed with flour and fried feels better. Starting from cassava, banana, tofu, tempeh, eggplant, and others. It's so, we still rarely exercise.

Unfortunately this habit should be abandoned because of bad for the body, one of which is the high cholesterol in the blood. One alternative that can be done is to start consuming green tea regularly. Green tea has the ability to lower LDL cholesterol levels and increase levels of high-density lipoprotein. Instead, green tea will replace the LDL cholesterol levels with good cholesterol called HDL

3.       Prevent Occurrence and Help Diabetes Patients
As has been said, green tea has benefits for the organs in our bodies. Not only that, the body's metabolic processes can also be supported from the consumption of green tea with a precise and routine. Usefulness of other green tea is to prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and help the sufferers in 'manage' blood sugar levels.
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a cardiologist and leader of Women's Heart Health at Heart and Vascular Institute, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City, states that green tea has the ability to make the diabetes metabolism system better.

4.       Helps Relieve Stress
Who feels stress every day? Duh! Actually this is not a good lifestyle. If it's almost daily stress, hastily find the cause. Did not stop there. It should be, we reduce and eliminate the stress. How to?
One way is to consume green tea. Green tea is often the subject of research and works out with the statement that this type of drink has the ability to relieve stress. Green tea is known to contain high levels of antioxidants, L-theanine which is a natural amino acid in tea leaves that serves to relax the brain. This amino acid releases alpha waves to the brain which will make it calmer in stressful situations while at the same time keeping the brain alert.

5.       As Beauty Care Material.
Benefits of this one no doubt. Almost all women know that green tea is powerful enough to overcome skin problems and keep it beautiful. Green tea is mostly processed mainly for oily and / or acne-specific skin products. Why?
This is because the content of tannins in green tea that functions as astringent or skin freshener. Green tea serves to reduce skin oil (sebum) with no excessive. Usefulness of green tea also serves to prevent skin aging.

6.       Immunity Increases and Rarely Pain
A healthy body will support daily activities, including work, socialization with colleagues, and also refreshing. Green tea provides the next great benefit of boosting immunity for those who consume it regularly. Polyphenol content in green tea also serves as an anti-inflammatory which then represents a fundamental change of immune system response. Green tea is also known to keep the body from the dangers of UV rays.

7.       Maintain Health Hair To Not Easily Fall
Stress can trigger advanced conditions such as excessive hair loss. In fact, as a woman, hair is a crown. To get two benefits at once (relieve stress and health care hair), we can take advantage of green tea properties. Consumption of green tea on a regular basis is also known to inhibit the growth of Dihydrotestosterone, a compound that inhibits hair growth and become the cause of hair loss.

8.       Those Who Routine Consume Green Tea, Tend to Have Fresh Breath
What happens when talking to people but it turns out our breath is quite smelly? Embarrassing. Not just for those who are in phase of PDKT, the breath of this smell is quite disturbing, especially those who must work professional, meet new people, and are required to communicate directly intense.
So, from now on regularly consume green tea. Again this is caused by the content of polyphenols in green tea that play a role in fighting germs and bacteria including those in the mouth. Another benefit associated with the mouth area is green tea is able to accelerate the process of gum healing, reduce gum inflammation, and suppress the growth of plaque.

9.       Not Only Milk, Osteoporosis Can Also Be Prevented by Consumption of Green Tea
Our estimate that osteoporosis can only be prevented by consumption of high calcium milk may need to be more open again. There are many different sources of nutrients the body needs, especially to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. For some people who have a history of milk allergy (or those who do not really like milk), can consume green tea to get the benefits of reduced risk of osteoporosis. This happens because green tea has a fluoride content that will keep the bones and slow down the damage that may occur.

10.   Prevent the occurrence of Neurological Disease
Dementia (dementia) and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are among the risks of illness that arise from the decline in brain function. Usefulness of green tea due to its polyphenol content can help a person have a lower risk of neurological disease. This polyphenol serves to keep the brain in the section that specifically regulate learning activities and the memory. In effect, acetylcholine compounds in the brain decreases and the potential for brain cell damage becomes lower.
Cool green tea benefits? It also tastes good with other drinks. These various reasons should be considered to start a healthy lifestyle. Remember, not only set the diet, we also have to regulate lifestyle such as regular exercise and adequate rest. Our lives are not just for today, but for the days to come. Still thinking of putting off a healthy lifestyle?

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