A New Pumpkin Cupcakes Idea

This deliciousness was also not inferior to the content of each 100 gr of fruit flesh. Who would have thought, if the nutrients contained in this fruit consists of beta carotene, calories, protein, and fat. Not only that, because there are still some mineral substances also in it. One of them is calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, copper, and zinc.

In addition, there are also carbohydrates, making us feel 'full' after eating waluh compote or pumpkin. For that if when breaking fast you feel full after eating kolak, then delayed eating rice. Some types of vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E, K, thiamine, niacin, lutein, zeaxanthin, riboflavin, patonic acid, B6, folate and pro vitamin A are the most dominant.

Cupcakes History  
Nowadays, people are so bored with such a mainstream cake. They always eat the boring cake every single day, especially cupcakes. Cupcakes is derived from cup and cakes, it means that cupcakes is a cake formed like a cup. It has various size depends on the need. It can be little, medium or big. Long time ago, cupcakes appears in America in the 19th century. Until now, cupcakes has many variation in its serving and topping one of them is pumpkin cupcakes with maple frosting.

Pumpkin Cupcakes and Various Topping
Pumpkin cupcakes are cupcakes made of pumpkin. The main ingredient is pumpkin. Pumpkin is mixed by the other main ingredients in order to get the different taste. Pumpkin cupcakes offers a special and different taste for anti-mainstream people. People can decorate their cupcakes based on their imagination. It also can be added some topping to beautify the cake. The topping can be chocolate granule, chocolate bars, chocolate messes, tasty wafer, fruit candy, maple frosted and the others. By adding topping, people can have beautiful cupcakes in their hand.

Pumpkin cupcakes with maple frosting are some of combination new ingredients like pumpkin and maple. In this cupcake, pumpkin is mixed with the other ingredients to make cups. By adding pumpkin, a combination taste will be perfect. Pumpkin has fibrous texture, this will influence the texture of cupcakes. Maple is used for topping cupcakes. The using of maple is aimed for giving new nuance and it will strengthen the taste.   
The last part of pumpkin cupcakes is cream. Before adding topping, cupcakes will be added by cream to make topping stick with it. Cream can be plain or tasty based on the people’s desire. For the one who doesn’t like sweet, plain cream is the answer. However, who wants to make special cupcakes, they can mix cream with various taste such as chocolate, vanilla, blueberry, and so forth. The combination of the taste of pumpkin cupcakes, cream and maple topping becomes perfect and delicious taste. 

Pumpkin cupcakes are able to substitute birthday cake or the other cake for special event such as graduation party, wedding party or the other anniversary. Although the shape is mini like a cup, this cupcake can be decorated by arrange one by one into form a big cake. It will give different art of cakes. Recently, cupcakes can be found in many events.  Cupcakes become so familiar because people can make them simply and the measurement of the ingredients is easy to get.

This good nutritional content makes it beneficial for health:

1. Maintain and nourish the eyes
The most important contents in this case is vitamin A. Content of 426 grams can help to maintain and care for the eyes. It is strongly recommended from the doctor because our eyes are getting older, the pupil lens will be more cloudy. That way, starting from now to reduce it by consuming a lot of vitamin A. Moreover there is a pro vitamin A content that at any time ready to turn into vitamin A.

2. Fight free radicals
The benefits of pumpkin also have anti oxidant compounds. This is very useful to ward off or fight free radicals that almost every day attack yourself. Especially if you are the type of person who often do a lot of outdoor activities and under the hot sun.

3. Looks young
Foods that are sought today are those that have the benefit of keeping yourself looking young. One of the benefits of vitamins that help a lot in this case is vitamin E. that is contained of 0.44 grams is enough to help you. Because this vitamin keeps your skin firmly firm.

4. Minimizing degenerative diseases: Hypertension
One of the most common degenerative diseases suffered by Indonesians is hypertension or high blood pressure. This mostly affects adult women after she passes through menopause. The presence of potassium content can reduce the risk of this disease.

6. Overcoming constipation
Constipation is one of the diseases that attack your digestive organs, making it difficult to defecate. Even to bleed if you have to defecate. You can treat it with the benefits of pumpkin for this health. Because the fiber content in it can help smooth your digestive process.

7. Growth of bones and teeth
Benefits of pumpkin for babies is also good and suitable for children who are in its infancy. Because there are calcium and phosphorus content. Both of these substances when working together will help the formation of bones and teeth. That’s why seniors are strongly encouraged to consume milk that contains lots of calcium and phosphorus substances.

8. Good for cancer patients
Cancer patients are very risky to the intake of foods that enter into their bodies. For that they are very concerned. One good menu for them is the pumpkin. For the content of beta carotene can reduce the growth of cancer cells.

9. As anti-inflammatory agent
Beta betas carotene is good for cancer, was also good as an anti-inflammatory substance. This can reduce the risk of swelling in your body.

10. Reduce the risk of stroke
Your habit of eating pumpkin is also good for your evil cholesterol. Because it is able to smother the existing deposits of the artery wall. This if continued to reduce the risk

11. One of the companion asi menus
 Do you understand the meaning of 'complementary food'? This shows that the benefits of pumpkin for babies and nutrients, no harm. Even good for a 6 month old baby. Many of the nutrients and benefits and soft texture will make it easier to digest the baby's intestines

Are you dare to consume peanuts?

Who's never snacking on fried or boiled peanuts? I will not stop until the contents of the jars are gone. Who says eating nuts can cause acne? Do you know that nuts are a source of protein and vitamin B that can help prevent brain fatigue?

From each bite of nuts, we can get more energy to live a dynamic activity. In addition to protein, nuts also store many vitamins and minerals. Includes vitamin E, niacin, thiamin, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Peanuts also contain more protein than other nuts.
Peanuts are rich in fat, contain high protein, iron, vitamin E and calcium, vitamin B complex and phosphorus, vitamin A and K, lecithin, choline and calcium. Protein content in peanuts is much higher than meat, eggs and soya beans. Has a sweet taste and is widely used to make various types of cakes
Peanuts are also said to contain ingredients that can nurture the body's resistance in preventing some diseases. Eating an ounce of peanuts five times a week is reported to prevent heart disease Peanuts work to increase the ability of the heart pump and lower the coronary heart disease resoki. Eating a handful of peanuts every day, especially diabetic patients can help the lack of substances.

Peanuts contain Omega 3 which is polyunsaturated and Omega 9 which is a monounsaturated fat. In 1 ounce of peanuts there are 18 grams of Omega 3 and 17 grams of Omega 9. [3] Peanuts contain phytosterols which can actually lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, by blocking the absorption of cholesterol from foods circulated in the blood and reducing cholesterol uptake from the liver, while maintaining HDL cholesterol. [3] Peanuts also contain arginine that can stimulate the body to produce nitrogen monoxide that serves to fight tuberculosis bacteria.
Studies show peanuts can be as lowering high blood pressure as well as blood cholesterol, impressive to relieve hemophilia or bleeding tendencies, diseases of whiteness and insomnia. [3] However Peanuts are strongly prevented in those who are facing breast cancer types and who have acne problems or acne are also advised to stop eating peanuts. [3] ga 70%.
Naturally, peanuts are cholesterol-free foods and good for the heart. There are studies that show that 2-3 servings of nuts a day will help lower LDL or bad cholesterol, without lowering HDL aka good cholesterol.
Nuts also have a unique combination of fiber, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. This content can help you feel full faster.
It is also important to note that one serving (25 grams) of peanuts contains more fiber than a bowl of brown rice or other snacks. There are so many advantages, you can check below:

1. Maintain cholesterol levels
Peanuts have high levels of mono unsaturated fatty acids that can lower levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol levels are normal, can prevent the risk of heart disease.

2. Prevent skin wrinkles
Peanuts that are said to make spotty have the opposite effect on the skin. Peanuts can prevent wrinkles with vitamin E, vitamin B, and riboflavin. All three of these contents in addition to reducing the lines of wrinkles, also powerful to make the skin more radiant

3. Helps reduce blood sugar levels
Does your family have diabetes? Peanuts can be a source of alternative medicine that should be consumed every day. Peanuts contain lots of manganese substances that can help absorb calcium and fat that can regulate blood sugar levels.

4. Reduce depression
Believe it or not, peanuts can reduce depression in the self. Capital congestion or mounting job stressors can trigger depression that is harmful to the human psyche. Containing tryptophan, peanuts help release the chemicals that trigger depression.

5. Energy sources
Not only help to increase mood (reduce depression) in the previous points, peanuts can also provide instant energy on the body. Wow! Rich in antioxidants and minerals, fatigue and lackluster flavor will disappear in an instant.

6. Prevent various cancers
Having p-coumaric acid content, peanuts can help prevent the onset of cancer in the body, especially stomach cancer and colon cancer.

7. Helps hair growth
For those of you who have hair (sorry) thin, or tend to experience baldness, no need to be confused again. Peanuts contain Omega3 fatty acids can grow healthy hair on your scalp. The blood circulation in the scalp becomes better with the content of vitamin E in peanuts.

8. Reduce the risk of gallstones
For example you do not like peanut granules, you can replace it with peanut butter. Both are very good for reducing the tendency of gallstones in the body up to 50%.

9. Prevent birth defects
You or your wife are pregnant? Do not hesitate to eat peanut or other peanuts. Folic Acid contained by peanuts is very good for pregnant mothers. Folic acid is believed to prevent the baby born in a defective condition.

10. Anti obesity
Again, the facts are the opposite of what we understand all along. Eat at least twice a week to prevent obesity. Peanut butter can be combined with your favorite bread.

11. Natural detoxification
Eating peanuts regularly can help your body remove toxins more regularly. The expenditure of the toxin is triggered by fiber content in peanut.

12. Improve brain function
Containing vitamin B3 and Niacin, peanuts are considered able to improve brain function and improve memory. Blood flow in the brain also becomes more fluent because of the content of Flavonoid resveratrol in peanuts.

13. Preventing Alzheimer's
Still in the function and benefits of Niacin in peanuts, Niacin has been proven by many studies to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by up to 70%

14. Lose weight
A study conducted by O'Byrne DJ managed to reveal that eating beans for six months, able to lose weight participants of three kilograms. In this study participants are women who have entered menopause. This condition occurs because there is a decrease in bad cholesterol levels in the body of participants, after a diet by eating foods low in monounsaturated fats are rich in oleic acid content of nuts.
The study was supported by a study conducted by Alper CM who revealed that eating nuts is able to make you feel satisfied thereby reducing your desire to snack snack others. Research by Alper also adds that consuming nuts, making your body absorb 66 percent of the energy contained by nuts but not necessarily raise your weight even though only one kilogram.

In addition, the content of protein and monounsaturated fats owned by nuts, can trigger increase the body's energy release up to 11 percent after consuming nuts for 19 weeks.

Smoking, the Most Dangerous Killer

Cigarettes are cylinders of paper length between 70 to 120 mm (varies by country) with a diameter of about 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been chopped. Cigarettes are burned at one end and allowed to burn so that the smoke can be inhaled through the mouth at the other end.
Cigarettes are usually sold in parcels or paper packaging that can be easily inserted into the bag. Since the last few years, the packages are also generally accompanied by health messages that warn smokers of the health hazards that can be generated from smoking, such as lung cancer or heart attack (although in reality the message is often overlooked).
Humans in the world who smoke for the first time are Indian tribes in America, for ritual purposes such as worshiping gods or spirits. In the 16th century, when Europeans discovered the American continent, some of the European explorers tried to smoke cigarettes and brought tobacco to Europe. Then the habit of smoking began to emerge among the European nobility. But unlike the Indians who smoke for ritual purposes, in Europe people smoke only for the sheer pleasure. The 17th century Spanish merchants entered Turkey and by then the smoking habit began to enter the Islamic countries.
A cigarette contains more than 4000 chemicals, many of which are toxic and cause cancer. Smoking a cigarette every day is just like piling up toxins in the body that will be bad for your future health. On the other words, smoking can be the most dangerous killer in the world because there are so many victims of it.  From now on try to stop smoking and feel the benefits on the body. When deciding to quit smoking, believe me, you will not lose anything. On the contrary, so many benefits can be felt after stopping this deadly tobacco sucking. The benefits of quitting smoke include:

Looks younger
Smoking can reduce the intake of oxygen to the skin, thus making your skin look older. However, when you stop smoking your skin will get more oxygen intake, so it can prevent premature aging and appearance

Avoid stress
Maybe you think smoking can cope with stress because it contains nicotine. But make no mistake, in fact it is just a drug withdrawal symptoms of nicotine and smoking can soothe the soul. Keep in mind the nicotine is not a stress reliever, its only temporary. Precisely according to research stress levels of people who quit smoking will decline from when they are still smoking.

Improve sperm quality
The uterine lining and sperm quality will improve after you quit smoking. This means, the chance to have a baby is much greater than when you were still smoking.

The performance of intercourse is much better
Quitting smoking can make blood circulation more smoothly. If the blood circulation smoothly then it will automatically affect your sensitivity in relation. Both men and women will get the same impact.

Smile looks charming
When smoking, teeth will look yellow and full of stains, disgusting once. But after you quit smoking, the teeth will look whiter and the smell of breath is fresher than before.

More Fresh Skin Color and Moist
When smoking, the carbon dioxide found in cigarette smoke locks in the flow of oxygen in the blood. This process results in the moisture of the skin is not awake so as to give the effect of skin color more dull and dry. Conversely, when stopping smoking the skin color will change to be fresher, has a red hue and more moist.

Teeth Look More White
There have been many examples of people whose teeth are blackened and brittle because of the very high volume of smoking. The excessive smoking is able to seize the brilliance and dental health. This is because nicotine in a cigarette can damage your white teeth. To whiten teeth after quitting smoking does require a longer process

Avoid the deadly disease
The risk of developing lung cancer, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, tongue cancer, mouth cancer, and uterine cancer will all decline after you decide to quit smoking.

Have a healthy family
This is the most important stop smoking. For those of you who want to have a healthy family, from now stop smoking. Why? Because by quitting smoking will protect the family from the dangers of cigarette smoke.
The benefits of quitting smoking not only affect health, but also can save you spending. Imagine a day you spend a pack of cigarettes at a price of13, 000 rupiahs, then in a month you can save 390,000 rupiahs. That's only a month, count again for a year, meaning you can save 4,680,000 rupiahs. Money for that you can use for more useful things, not just burning and harmful to your own health.
Those are some of the benefits of quitting smoke that can be shared for the readers. There are still many benefits if we want to know more but whatever it is smoking is not good habit. Hopefully, after reading this article many addictive smoker can quit slowly but sure and back to healthy life

How to stop smoking naturally
Here are some tips that you can apply as a natural way to stop smoking.
1. Find a new hobby that suits your passion. This will help to distract your mind so as not to be seduced by cigarettes
2. Look for words that could be "automatic suggestions" when you will be tempted to smoke. For example "if I'm tempted, when do I stop?" or simply, "I do not smoke".
3. Reduce caffeine intake, such as from coffee. Because caffeine will be twice as effective when nicotine is reduced. Well, the caffeine effect that keeps you awake will tempt you to smoke.
4. Avoid people who smoke and listen to the advice of those who cons for you to smoke

5. Seek professional help like a psychiatrist, because cigarette addiction is usually a psychological addiction. It is an addiction where you have become accustomed to his smoking behavior, more than just a nicotine addiction but a daily habit of having cigarettes in it. This should be handled in a professional manner to know your triggers and encouragement to smoke.

Durian, the Delicious Food

Durian is the name of tropical plants originating from the Southeast Asian region, as well as the name of the fruit that can be eaten. This name is derived from the characteristic skin of his fruit is hard and sharp curves that resemble a thorn. The popular title is "king of all fruits" (King of Fruit). Durian is a controversial fruit, although many people love it, but others are sickened by its aroma.
Durian is an exotic fruit known to producers such as Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia. Durian tree begins to bear fruit after planted up to four or five years. Durian trees can grow up to 50 meters high, depending on the type of variety. Durian includes seasonal fruits, usually starting in the market around June to August, which coincides with other tropical fruits harvest time such as mangosteen, jackfruit, and mango. The characteristic of durian fruit is large, if it matures a unique strong smell, and the entire skin is shrouded with sharp spines. Usually the weight of the durian cook about 1-4 pounds, but the shape varies from round to oval. Durian skin color is green with brown, and the flesh is yellow or creamy depending on the type. Durian has a small seed covered with flesh, round or oval shape and like jackfruit seeds. Many people throw away the durian seed, although it can also be eaten after boiling. Durian seeds have a tasteless taste similar to the taste of jackfruit seeds.
Durian is usually eaten without any extra, because it tastes that is quite delicious. Many ways to consume durian, other than directly eaten there are some preparations with durian basic ingredients, there are in the following:

1.       Sambal Durian

Sambal made of durian? Could you imagine?  You who have never tried it, would assume this durian chili feels strange. But it turns out the chili made from durian that is very famous in Sumatra, especially Palembang and Lampung. Even the durian chili commonly referred to as Tempoyak has become one of the famous specialties in Sumatra. Tempoyak is usually mixed with chili paste and most delicious eaten with hot rice and fish. Toppers do not have to fear your mouth smell durian after eating this durian sambal, because after fermented, durian aroma that will not smell at all.

2.       Lempok Durian

It has become one of the typical foods in several regions in Indonesia such as Bengkulu, Palembang and Pontianak. Many people think this durian is the same durian dodol, but actually there is a fairly clear difference between the two. Durian dodol composition is more dominated by large flour and durian is only used as a complement to taste. While the composition of durian lempok dominated by the original durian meat is only mixed with sugar and a little salt to give a tasty sensation.

3.       Serabi Durian

Surabi is one of the traditional cakes from Solo city made from a mixture of wheat flour with coconut milk, which is eaten with sauce with a wide selection of flavors, one of them durian. Although traditional, but surabi durian still quite popular by community, maybe you are the one of them. Surabi cake is soft combined with durian sauce made from durian meat mixed with coconut milk, brown sugar and pandan leaves, definitely make you want to eat it right away.

4.       Ketan Durian

Similar to surabi durian, this durian sticky rice also uses durian sauce made from original durian meat, brown sugar, coconut milk and pandan leaves. Food from processed durian this one will be much more delicious if eaten in a state that is still hot.
5.       Pancake Durian

Durian pancakes become one of the most famous durian processed foods. Creamy durian meat combined with a slightly chewy flour dough, making this one food has always been the target of travelers during a visit to the famous city of durian, Medan.

6.       Sop Durian

Make no mistake, this one soup is not cooked like most of the soup well. This durian soup is actually eaten in a cold state mixed with shaved ice, red beans, avocado and milk. About the flavor is definitely not in doubt.

7.       Coklat Durian

Eating durian chocolate is one of the modern ways to enjoy durian. A blend of sweet chocolate and a legit of course will give you a different sensation when you melt in your mouth

8.       Es Krim Goreng Durian

Have you ever tried fried bread containing durian ice cream in it? If not, you  must feel the crisp sensation on the outside of the bread and the sensation of soft and cold on the inside combined with a sense of durian creamy

9.       Durian Bakar

Baked fuel is already common, roasted corn is also common. But what if durian is burned? Strange indeed, but durian fuel is really there and become one of the typical food of Dayak tribe in Kalimantan. If you're curious as to what it feels like, you do not have to go all the way to Borneo. You can also burn it yourself because the combustion process is very easy. Durian fruit that is still complete with skin and prickly tied on a stove of fire and burned for about 5 minutes. But after lifted from the stove, do not rush to eat it well,. Wait until the skin is cool.

10.   Keripik Biji Durian

 Now not only durian fruit flesh that can be enjoyed, durian seeds can also be processed into chips. The trick is quite thinly sliced durian seed then soaked with turmeric water and mix some typical spices. Once the spices soak up then stay fried in hot oil. The sweet taste and not at all leave the distinctive smell of durian is a distinctive feature of durian seed chips.

11.   Risoles Durian

Risoles usually contain vegetables, meats or mayo. So what if filled with durian? Stay nice, especially if it is still hot. The savory skin blend with the sweet taste of durian makes it even more unique.

12.   Milkshake Durian

Durian blender with ice cubes and milk into a refreshing drink. Yes, that's a durian milkshake.

Some Fancy and Beautiful Pregnancy Sewing Patterns

Pregnancy is one form of happiness for families who have just married. In pregnancy, the wife's stomach will grow larger as time goes by. For that required a model of the right clothes and pregnancy sewing patterns to match the body shape of the wife. A suitable shirt model for a person who is pregnant is often called a maternity clothes model.

Generally pregnant clothes have a loose form on the abdomen but many models because it is tailored to various activities that are commonly done. For example, a wife who has a job then there is a pregnant clothes for working wife.

Currently maternity clothes have been made into many models so you can choose according to your needs. Some of the above models consist of Muslim pregnant clothes, party, trendy, and many more. Please choose the suitable pregnancy sewing patterns, model, size and material of your shirt.
Generally the period of pregnancy for 9 months and after that go into the stage of childbirth. The presence of the baby makes the family more perfect. For those of you who have just given birth, look at various models of baby clothes to get a suitable baby clothes for your baby.

1.     Best Choice of Sewing Pattern for Pregnancy Clothes
When you are pregnant, many things need to be prepared along with the many changes that occur, and one of them is your body changes as your stomach grows. With this change, many things to be adjusted, ranging from diet, lifestyle and that is not less important is your maternity clothes pattern.
Special tips are required in choosing this maternity clothes and pregnancy sewing patterns, so it can support your pregnancy but also can make your days stay comfortable. If you are a good tailor, you can make your own. Now, there are a lot of strappy trousers, kimono clothes, clothes without waist and cloak, it's all not the type of maternity clothes, but ideal enough to wear when and after pregnancy. If you are planning to breastfeed yourself, look for clothes that are easy to open and wash. There are also many sewing patterns that can beautify your days in facing pregnancy such as vintage, flower, polka dots, strips, and so forth.
·         Here are some tips to choose the best clothes and sewing pattern:

Bread Pregnant
The body is enlarged, the size of the clothes must be appropriate. Now there are many models of attractive maternity clothes. During pregnancy your metabolism is higher than usual, you will feel hot and sweaty, therefore choose maternity clothes from natural ingredients. Choose a cool material like cotton is more comfortable to wear than synthetic materials, woven materials and loose clothing will also make you feel cool. In this case, the choosing of pregnancy sewing patterns is very significant because this clothes will be worn every day for moms to be. So, the suitable pattern can be flower or vintage combined with shabby colors. By choosing this patterns can make moms relax in doing every day activities.

Pregnant Pants
Special pants of pregnant women, perfect choice when the big stomach, because rubber hip is flexible, pouch belt to protect the womb, the material from the T-shirt does not make hot. For a variety of pants, low waist pieces below the waist are also suitable because it does not press the stomach. When the pants before pregnancy is enough, only the abdomen that can‘t be buttoned, use the hooks of both ends of the buttons of the pants (belly belt) that makes the stomach loose. The suitable pregnancy sewing pattern for pregnant pants can be plain with dark colors because this part is not the main part for pregnant women, so that’s why no need to give patterns for pregnant pants.

The selection of Bra
In late pregnancy you need a two-digit bra larger than the usual, otherwise the chest circumference will enlarge around 8 to 10 cm. Use the good in your body, do not buy without trying it first. Bra should help hold the breast without pressing the nipple, and the rope should be wide enough so it does not hurt your shoulders.
Elastic bra straps should not be worn because they are less able to withstand well. Breasts do not contain muscle tissue, so if slacked during pregnancy, will not be able to return as before. A good bra can also avoid strokes of ex-strain. Toward delivery, if your breasts grow and feel heavy, there's no harm in wearing a bra during sleep.

There are also specially designed bras for nursing mothers that can be worn during pregnancy and after childbirth. The front can be opened for breastfeeding, while the back can be adjusted according to the circumference of your chest. Instead, when breastfeeding avoid bra that cannot be opened all the breasts, not just the nipple and surrounding tissue. Bra covered in front, can withstand the flow of milk. Buy at least 4 breastfeeding bra with openings in the cup (should be opened with one hand). In this special part, the choosing of pregnancy sewing pattern is not necessary since this part is not visible. 

It should be comfortable, elastic and do not press the stomach. One-piece models may be selected, provided that the abdomen is not tight. Bikini is the ideal choice. If you do not want to expose your stomach, choose 2 pieces like a bikini but a long top cover the stomach. The best sewing pattern for swimsuit is colorful flower or because it can manipulate women’s stomach and give beautiful impression.

2.     Do and Don’t while Wearing Pregnancy Clothes
After checking tips in choosing the best clothes and pregnancy sewing patterns, it’s better for woman to pay attention on do and don’t while wearing pregnancy clothes. It should need a lot of attention to discuss because it’s very important to know.
Here are the following don’ts:
ü  Don’t wear skinny clothes and pants
ü  Don’t do sauna
ü  Don’t wear high heels
ü  Don’t wear belt

Here are the following dos:
ü  Relaxation massage
ü  Walking as main sport

Hopefully this article entitled some fancy and beautiful pregnancy sewing patterns can give useful knowledge and applicable information for the pregnant women. Hope all women can be inspired in choosing suitable clothes and sewing patterns while they are pregnant. Thank you for any attention.

Culinary Festival Phenomenon

Exhibitions or culinary festivals are familiar in our surrounding. More companies and event organizers are organizing this event, either as a venue for corporate promotions or making a profit.

Understandably, this culinary festival is able to suck up thousands to hundreds of visitors in the implementation. Of course, this is very appropriate for a company's promotion.

Beyond that, the number of local and typical food connoisseurs also continues to grow from year to year. By serving a variety of culinary from various regions in one integrated location, of course, allowing culinary enthusiasts to enjoy good food.

So far, big cities, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang and Bandung, are still the main cities serving culinary festival. Yes, people in big cities do tend to have an interest in culinary fairs. Moreover, they make this as a recreational event for the family.

In fact, food festivals are often also the object of hunting for people who are curious about a unique and unique dish of an area that he never visited. Some people even regard this culinary festival as a recreational object.

In addition, diverse culinary actors are also only in big cities. Culinary entrepreneurs are often waiting for the festival to boost sales. If calculated on an annual basis, sales from culinary festivals alone make up nearly 50% of total turnover a year.

As with other events, a mature concept becomes the most important thing to prepare for this culinary festival. In concept, event organizer can choose the scheme of this festival. Culinary tourism has become a mandatory agenda during the holidays to various regions, even countries. For some travelers, hunting typical local food is again unique is precisely the main event.

First, the concept of breaking up with a culinary agent who is a restaurant owner or restaurant. With this scheme, usually the organizer will offer a booth for rent to the restaurant actors in an exhibition event.

Second, is profit sharing. The organizers do not charge for the booth rent, but share the benefits of culinary income.

The third scheme is to embrace cooperation with the company. Typically, in this scheme, the company will become a sponsor and pay the entire cost of the organization.

Therefore, insight into culinary, emerging trends and culinary market potential in a region becomes important information for organizers. For now, local and traditional food is still a favorite.

Furthermore, a good relationship with the number of restaurant owners is also important, especially the legendary shops.

The key to successful culinary festival is on the promotional agenda. The vigorous promotion in various mass media proved to be effective for sucking visitors coming to the event. By holding the sponsor, promotional affairs can be done together with the sponsoring company.

In a culinary festival project, the procurement of this venue takes up a substantial portion of the budget. The venue of this event also depends on the number of participants and the number of visitors who become the target of the event.

By serving a variety of specialties from different regions and countries in one location, would make it easier for lovers of culinary to enjoy good food. No need to visit one by one in each region.
Well, culinary festival or exhibition certainly will not run successfully without the presence of the event organizers or famous as event organizer (EO). They just held a culinary festival only.

Food business is in demand every time. Profit opportunities are also quite large if you successfully win the market competition, provided you always run the right business strategy. As a businessman in the field of food and beverage, you should not miss the opportunity to follow the culinary festival. Usually a culinary festival is a food bazaar with certain themes. The theme most liked by the community is the variety of culinary archipelago.

How to Get Some Profit in Festival Culinary

As we know that there are so many sellers in Culinary Festival, there are some tips to get some profit in festival culinary, such as:

Choose your Favorite Menu
  • Favorite menu on your business should be the main dish in culinary festival. You should not run out of the menu stock during the event. Your workforce should also be adept at recommending a favorite menu to prospective customers who are choosing the food menu.

Prepare Skilled Workers
  • The atmosphere at the culinary festival must always be crowded and crowded with visitors. So, you have to take anticipatory steps by preparing a skilled workforce. Make sure that your workforce can serve customers swiftly. Do not let customers get disappointed and wait too long, because simple things can have a big impact for your business.

Choose a Strategic Stand Location
  • The strategic stand location will affect your business turnover during culinary festivals. So, choose the location of booths that pass by many people and not too hot. Thus, potential customers will be more interested in buying food at your booth.

Unique Package will be the Fascination
  • It turns out the unique use of packaging is very important when following the culinary festival event. When there are customers who bring interesting food packaging, visitors who see the festival would be so curious. Packaging your product can be an effective means of promoting soft selling.

Do not Forgot with Other Promotional Facilities
  • Prepare an eye catching business card for your customers. The business card must include the name of the business, contacts, and social media account that can be contacted. Customers who love your product and want to buy again later will have no trouble contacting you.

Follow the Trending Food
  • Maybe your products do not consist of food and drinks that are hits. But there's no harm in adapting these trends. You can make a variety of foods consisting of a mixture of cheese, salted eggs, or other ingredients that are being liked. So that your various menus so more tantalizing and interesting to try. Make sure that the blend of food that is hits is still compatible with the original taste of your food products.

The Beauty of Chocolate

As one popular foodstuff, chocolate is certainly popular among many people. It is said that, first only the nobility who can enjoy chocolate. But now, chocolate can be enjoyed by anyone, and in a variety of varied serving menus.

Chocolate as a culinary food from cocoa beans are then processed and fermented first to produce chocolate that can be enjoyed. Because if not, the original taste of cocoa beans is very bitter. There are several processes that must be passed by pure cocoa beans to become delicious chocolates to eat. Among them are fermentation, drying, roasting, and grinding. The process is quite long it turns out to produce results that do not disappoint, because it is very delicious chocolate.

No wonder chocolate is often regarded as a sign of love for someone. But you know, it was good to eat, chocolate also has very good benefits for facial skin. Different from the minds of most people who think that if eating too much chocolate will have a negative effect on facial skin like the appearance of acne on facial skin.

Chocolate sold on the market for ingredients for making food and drink is usually in the form of liquid, powder, and bar. Chocolate can use for drinks, usually using liquid chocolate and powder. For baking and baking, brown powders and sticks are best used.
There are some advantages of Chocolate in beauty, check this following:

Healthy Skin Face
All the nutrients contained in chocolate can keep skin healthy, if used routinely and according to the rules.

Contains Antioxidants
The content of antioxidants in chocolate, especially dark chocolate (dark chocolate) is able to keep the skin from toxic attacks and germs that often settle on facial skin. According to experts from the American Health Foundation, the main antioxidant in dark chocolate is able to protect the body almost 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times more potent than Vitamin E.

Nutrition of Skin Face
Benefits of a brown mask for other faces that nourish the skin. As explained in the first part, the natural content of chocolate in addition to healthy skin is also able for nutrition.

Brighten Skin Face
Chocolate mask is also able to help brighten the skin naturally, usually, for this one, brown mask can be combined with additional pure milk to taste.

Moisturize Facial Skin
The benefits of a brown mask for facial skin this one can usually be by mixing a brown mask with pure honey and pure milk to taste on the mask, and use regularly 2 times a week.
That's the various benefits of a brown face mask, so still hesitate to use a brown mask? Brown mask in addition to good benefits for facial skin, how to use is also easy. Make it yourself can also, but sometimes make your own mask although easy to take a little time, what else for us who have busy. Using a ready-to-use cocoa powder mask is a good alternative for us.

Protects skin from UV rays
Chocolate contains flavanols, which can protect the skin from UV rays. In fact, the direct application of chocolate on the skin can help to moisturize, and also helps in healing wounds from sunburn.

Detoxifies the skin
In combination with caffeine, dark chocolate helps to get rid of dead skin cells from your body. This promotes the growth of fresh skin, so the skin looks younger. This is the reason why chocolate is an essential ingredient that usually exists in many body scrubs and exfoliators.

Accelerate hair growth
Chocolate can facilitate circulation of blood circulation. This means that chocolate is able to promote blood circulation in the scalp, thus helping in the process of better hair growth and combat hair loss. This is possible because chocolate is rich in zinc, iron, copper and other minerals that enhance the process of cell renewal in the body.

Make hair more shiny
To get sparkling hair, one can make a homemade hair mask. Black chocolate with yoghurt and honey can you mix, apply on your head hair, leave for about half an hour before washing your head hair. This will make your hair smooth and shiny. Chocolate provides luster and hair rays to avoid looking dull.

Prevent fine lines and wrinkles
Chocolate can help you delay the signs of aging very well. Chocolate contains collagen, thus ensuring that your skin remains strong and beautiful. This helps to prevent fine lines and wrinkles, whether you eat chocolate or if you apply it to the skin directly.

Eliminating Acne
Acne problems must have been very common. Many people who try to get rid of acne the wrong way so that more and more popping acne. By utilizing this Chocolate mask on a face with acne, your acne will soon vanish. Way, you just need masked for 15 minutes then rinse with cold water.

How to Consume Chocolate

Various benefits of chocolate you can get, provided you consume it properly and correctly. Currently, many chocolates in the pack are marketed with many additional ingredients, so it can lead to increased fat content, sugar, and calories. It is certainly not good for your health, because it can lead to various disease risks.

Basically, cocoa in chocolate contains low sugar and fat substances. Meanwhile, the insoluble fiber owned by cocoa is largely derived from the unprocessed cocoa bean shell.

If you want to take advantage of chocolate for health, then choose unsweetened cocoa powder that can be served on low-fat milk, oatmeal, or other foods and beverages you consume.

One tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder contains at least 20 calories, about 0.5 grams of fat and 1 gram of fiber. This type of cockroach also does not contain saturated fat.

Unlike the dark chocolate, milk chocolate does not contain any fiber. In addition, milk chocolate contains higher calories, fats and saturated fats.

To get the various benefits of chocolate that have been described above, note the label on the product packaging before buying it. Instead, avoid products with many additional ingredients and excessive sweeteners.

The Joy of Chocolate

Chocolate is the name for processed foods or beverages from cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao). Chocolate was first consumed by the ancient Mesoamerican population as a beverage, although it is believed that the first chocolate could only be consumed by the nobles.

Chocolate is generally given as a gift or a gift at the festival. With unique shapes, styles and flavors, chocolate is often used as an expression of gratitude, sympathy, or concern even as a statement of love. Chocolate has also become one of the most popular flavors in the world. In addition to consume most commonly in the form of chocolate bars, chocolate is also a beverage of warm and cold drinks.

History of Chocolate

Chocolate is produced from cocoa (Theobroma cacao) which is predicted to grow first in the northern Amazon region to Central America. Probably to Chiapas, the southernmost part of Mexico. The Olmecs made use of the trees and, perhaps also, made "chocolate" along the Gulf coast in southern Mexico. The earliest documentation on chocolate was found on its use at a chocolate processing site in Puerto Escondido, Honduras around 1100-1400 BC. The residue obtained from these processing tanks indicates that initially the use of cocoa is not intended to make drinks alone, but the white selectivity of cocoa beans is more likely to be used as a source of sugar for alcoholic beverages.

The brown residue found in the pottery used by the ancient Mayans in Río Azul, Northern Guatemala, shows that the Maya drank chocolate in about 400 BC. The first civilization that inhabited the Meso-American region knew the "kakawa" tree whose fruit was consumed as an xocolātl drink which meant bitter beverage. According to them, these drinks need to be consumed every day, for whatever reason. However, it seems that chocolate is also a symbol of prosperity.

How to present it was not arbitrary. By holding this liquid container at chest level and pouring it into another container on the ground, an expert presenter can make a thick foam, the part that makes the drink so valuable. This foam is actually produced by cocoa butter (cocoa butter) but sometimes added additional foam. Meso-Americans seem to have an important habit of drinking and eating porridge containing chocolate.

The seeds of the cocoa tree itself are very bitter and must be fermented so that the taste can be obtained. After baked and powdered the result is chocolate or cocoa. It is estimated that Mayan chocolate drinking habits began around 450 BC - 500 BC. That said, consumption of chocolate is considered a symbol of important status at that time. Maya tribe consumes chocolate in the form of a bubbly liquid sprinkled with red pepper, vanilla, or other spices. Xocoatl drinks are also believed to be a tranquilizer, a belief that may be caused by theobromin content in it.

When classical Maya civilization collapsed (circa 900) and was replaced by Toltecs, cocoa beans became Meso-American main commodities. By the time the Aztec Empire came to power (until about 1500 BC) the area covering Mexico City is now known as the Meso-American region richest in cocoa beans. For the Aztec cocoa beans are "the food of the gods" (theobroma, from Greek). Usually cocoa beans are used in religious ceremonies and as gifts.

Chocolate also became a luxury in the time of Colombian-Meso America, in their culture of the Maya, Toltec, and Aztec cocoa beans (cacao bean) is often used as a currency. For example the Aztec Indians use a calculation system in which one turkey chicken costs one hundred cocoa beans and one avocado for three cocoa beans.

While in 1544 AD, Maya Kekchi delegates from Guatemala who visited the Spanish court brought gifts, among them chocolate drinks.
Liquid chocolate.

At the beginning of the 17th century, chocolate became a popular refreshing drink in the Spanish court. Throughout the century, chocolate spread among the European elite, then through a democratic process the price became quite cheap, and by the end of the century it became a drink enjoyed by the merchant class. Approximately 100 years after his arrival in Europe, so famous chocolate in London, until a "brown house" was built to store chocolate supplies, starting in coffee houses. The first chocolate house opened in 1657. And the first chocolate ice recipe was known to have originated from England in 1668.

In 1689 a doctor and a collector named Hans Sloane, developed a type of chocolate milk drink in Jamaica and originally drunk by apothekari tribes, but the drink was later sold by Cadbury brothers [6]. All European chocolate was originally consumed as a drink. New in 1847 found solid chocolate. Europeans throw away almost all the spices added by Meso-Americans, but often retain vanilla. Also replace many spices to suit their own tastes ranging from special recipes that require ambergris, waxy purplish dyes extracted from the gut of whales, to more common ingredients such as cinnamon or cloves. However, the most frequently added is sugar. In contrast, the Meso-American chocolate does not seem to be sweet.

European chocolate was originally mixed in the same way that the Mayan and Aztecs used. Even today, the ancient Meso-American way is still preserved, but inside industrial machinery. Cocoa's seed still a little fermentated, dried, roasted, and rolled. However, a series of more complicated techniques was played. Chocolate powder is emulsified with potassium or sodium carbonation to be more easily mixed with water (dutched, emulsification methods found by the Dutch), the fat is reduced by removing much cocoa fat (defatted), ground as a liquid in a conched or mixed with milk so it becomes milk chocolate.

The Health Benefits of Chocolate   

There are so many advantages of chocolate, in the following:

1.       Prevent heart disease
A chocolate bar can help you to prevent heart disease because it contains some chemicals that make your cardiovascular system run smoothly. Especially dark chocolate can reduce the risk of heart attack with a percentage of nearly 50% and coronary disease by 10%. So it's not a problem consuming a bar or a piece of chocolate everyday!

2.       Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
Chocolate is a substance that contains compounds that function to calm the nerves are tense. By eating chocolate then one's feelings will become more relaxed, therefore by eating chocolate can lower blood pressure
Dark chocolate has been shown in studies to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. And eating dark chocolate on a regular basis has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol by as much as 10 percent.

3.       Contains High Antioxidants
Based on the results of research turned out to contain chocolate flavanol, a type of flavanoid found in chocolate. Flavanoids are compounds that form naturally in plant foods and act as antioxidants and help counteract free radicals in the body.

4.       Contains Anti-Depression
The results also prove that Chocolate contains serotonin, a natural anti-depressant. By eating Chocolate can also stimulate the body to produce endorphin enzymes, which play a role to create feelings of happiness and happiness. A study found that melting chocolate in the mouth produces a feeling of happiness longer. So when you feel in a state of stress or stress a time to enjoy chocolate.

5.       Prevent Tooth Decay
Many people assume that with chocolate mugakan it can cause damage to the teeth. Actually that makes damage to the teeth instead of chocolate but the sugar contained in chocolate snacks. So no matter you eat chocolate as long as the discipline brush your teeth. The results have found that in chocolate there is theobromine which can prevent tooth decay by removing streptococcus mutans, the bacteria that contribute to tooth decay in the oral cavity. So who says chocolate is dangerous? precisely the benefits of chocolate for dental health is good yes.

6.       Make Longevity
The results of a study conducted in the Netherlands that followed 200 men over 20 years, found that men who consumed large amounts of chocolate, be it dark chocolate and milk chocolate, he was older and has lower levels of the climber. Based on these studies note that chocolate contains substances that can slow aging. Consumption of chocolate on a regular basis can reduce wrinkles and protect the skin from sunburn.
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