Spicy Food Phenomenon

Spicy Food Phenomenon

Food business with a spicy theme always invite curious of the costumer. Culinary or any food that is given spicy appetite by using the level of spiciness always run. From street snacks to professional franchises, spicy foods are always favored by buyers. Moreover, if the food is a new type of food that has no competitors.
Still remember in mid-2010, the phenomenon of dozens of people lined up in a car at a certain time to get cassava chips spicy? The taste of savory and spicy cassava chips that became a byword from mouth to mouth. Many are curious about the flavor of cassava chips from Bandung. Coupled with a unique marketing pattern, by selling directly through partners called 'generals' and utilizing social media like Twitter and Facebook, Maicih chips became the most hits of food at the time.

The owner, Reza Nurhilman in several interviews in the media, claimed his turnover reached billions of dollars with production to reach tens of thousands of bags of chips with spicy level 1-10 each month. The business idea of ​​spicy chips was followed by several people and sprung up a variety of other spicy chips brands that became competitors Maicih.

Chicken spicy penyet, it is common and you can find it in the stalls of roadside tents or public restaurants. But the franchise that sells fried chicken with the level of spiciness that can be selected, a breakthrough and fishing curious buyers. As did the Richese Factory franchise restaurant. Spicy sauce from level 1 to 5 makes buyers hooked. This innovation is the slit fried chicken Richese able to compete with Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and McDonald's (McD) who has dominated the fried chicken franchise restaurant since tens of years ago.

Why is food with a spicy sensation always a place among the culinary connoisseurs in Indonesia? Is it true that most Indonesian people like spicy food?

Former Head of BPOM Roy Sparringa who is also a culinary observer said, spicy food in Indonesia comes from the public interest to eat all kinds of food by using sambal. There are dozens or even hundreds of types of chili in Indonesia are very diverse.

Sambal and chili is an integral part of processed food in Indonesia. His position is no longer as a complement to food, but the main food. Roy also said, other factors that make the people of Indonesia love to eat sambal or spicy food is habit.

Doctorate in the field of Food Science and Technology University of Reading, UK, this adds, the indulgence of Indonesian people eating sambal could be because it has understood the many nutrients in chili peppers processed into sambal. Chili as a source of vitamins and minerals essential for the body. There are a number of vitamins contained in chili, ranging from vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B. Then there is also iron, anti-oxidants and others.

While culinary expert Indra Ketaren said, based on reports of Starch Fossil and the Domestication and Dispersal of Chili Peppers (Capsicum spp.L.) in the Americas, chili powder is used in Maya and Aztec Indian food dishes, one of the indigenous tribes in Latin America.

Chilli plants go to Indonesia thanks to the adventurer Christopher Colombus when he left for Spain from Latin America. In his journey across the ocean, from Spain, chili seeds began to spread to various countries to the earth archipelago. Based on other sources, Indra explained, the close relationship between the people of Indonesia with sambal believed to have lasted for a long time. In the 10th century Ramayana texts have referred to chili as one of the important trading commodities of ancient Javanese times. Yet another literacy says that chilies began to be familiar with Indonesians in the colonial era.

Food is one of the important role holders in human life, especially as we are Indonesians rich in diversity.
Which includes the tribe, the culture, until in the case of culinary, each region must have a unique culinary from its own region, this should be grateful for our country has so many different menu choices of different Indonesian food in each region.

Not a few Indonesian people who love food with spicy taste, even now is booming spicy eating with various levels ranging from the lowest level only standard spicy until the highest level of spicy has been exceeded the average, but this phenomenon becomes interesting in Indonesia various circles want to try foods with spicy taste ranging from parents, youth, teenagers, even children.

Although not everyone likes the spicy taste in the food, but it feels like eating without spicy taste is not delicious for Indonesians, the spicy taste of food is perceived not only as an appetite enhancer but also has become necessary for some people to enjoy the dishes he ate

Spicy foods in addition to being an appetite enhancer but also as one source of disease, really?

For centuries, chili has been used as a medicine for inflammation and blood circulation. In fact, with blood flowing faster, the body will more quickly replace the damaged cells and also remove toxins from the body.

Based on several studies, chillies and spicy foods derived from spices have health benefits for the body.

1.Easy  breathing
Spicy foods act like espektoran and help people with asthma, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, and other respiratory diseases breathe better.
2.Maintain the mood
Red chili boosts levels of endorphins and serotonin that relieve pain and give feelings of comfort. This hormone could help treat stress and depression
Many studies indicate regular consumption of spicy foods will reduce the risk of cancer. Capsaicin slows the growth of cancer cells and in many cases cancer cells die without damaging healthy cells in the vicinity.
Capsaicin helps increase the expenditure of sweat and relieves the symptoms of the disruptive flu. Spicy foods will also help open the airway, reduce sinusitis, and other flu symptoms.
5. Lose weight
Chili contains capsaicin which will speed up metabolism and help the body burn calories faster. This happens because capsaicin increases body temperature and plays a role in increased heart rate
6. Spicy flavors in foods have the ability to reduce joint inflammation and bone damage
7. Improve digestive function
The benefits of chili in the gastrointestinal tract are improving blood circulation in the abdomen and increasing the mucus layer. Capsaicin also helps kill H.pylori bacteria that cause heartburn.
However, if you experience heartburn after eating spicy food, try an antiacid tablet that will neutralize the acid in the stomach.
8. Heartbeat
Chili healthy heart by preventing blood clotting. Research also shows bad cholesterol / LDL levels can prevent oxidation that can cause blockage of blood vessels.
Capsaicin is also effective against inflammation, which has been identified as a risk factor for heart disease.

But there are also negative effects of spicy cuisine, among others:
1. spicy food can cause irritation and form a strange pattern of the tongue
2. reduce the protective layer of the stomach so that the stomach is susceptible to infection
3. spicy food can also disrupt the production of stomach acid, causing discomfort in the stomach.
4. spicy flavor may also have an effect on sleep quality or insomnia
5.While the worst impact due to frequent spicy consumption, is that our tongue becomes less able to recognize the taste of food or drinks consumed.
6.Harmful For the Stomach
Spicy foods cause damage to the stomach wall. This is because, the spicy type of food is a combination of acid and too much acid in the frown, it causes damage to your stomach wall.
7.The cause of Acute Ulcer
Spicy foods lead to Gastritis or acute ulcer disease. Symptoms of gastritis such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.
8.The Cause of Skinny Body
Spicy foods cause your weight decreases. So reduce or eliminate from the habit of eating spicy food if you want a little fat or you are classified as thin.
9. Headache.
Spicy foods result in you being hit by a headache from the effects of gastritis. Because of consuming too much spicy food.
10. 10. Spicy food is not good for your skin health

Yes, consuming too much chili what else in the fry will make your skin becomes oily and lots of fat deposits are retained in the skin, especially facial skin so people who like to eat chili sometimes we can face pimples. For that if you are someone who is fond of chili sauce then control your diet to keep you healthy.
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