Rectal Cancer Disease

Rectal Cancer

Rectal cancer is a disease infecting colon or rectal. It occurs when the abnormal cancerous cells grow in the lower part of colon, this part connecting to the large bowel. Rectal cancer becomes the second deadly disease in the world. As we know that colon is digestive organs where the process is started from mouth, throat, stomach, small intestine, colon and the last at rectum. In conclusion, this cancer infects the crucial part of human body.
Rectal cancer has the same character as the other cancer. This cancer grows fast and infiltrates to the surrounding cells and damage them. It also can spread far through the lymph nodes or blood vessels to the organs far from where they came from, such as the liver and lungs. If it is not handled properly, it can automatically lead to the death.

Sign and Symptoms of Rectal Cancer
Rectal cancer should be recognized as soon as possible to decrease the risk of it. The development of rectal cancer is over years and the actual cause is unknown. The most common sign of this cancer is bleeding occurred in 60% people. However, many rectal cancer doesn’t produce symptoms and it can be discovered by the digital or screening examination. Here are the following signs and symptoms of rectal cancer:
·         Change in bowel habits (43%): Change the caliber of stool
·         Occult bleeding (26%): Can be detected via a fecal occult blood test (FOBT)
·         Abdominal pain (20%): May be colicky and accompanied by bloating
·         Back pain: Usually a late sign caused by a tumor invading
·         Urinary symptoms: May occur if a tumor invades prostate
·         Malaise (9%)
·         Pelvic pain (5%): Late symptom, is usually indicated nerve trunk involvement
·         Emergencies such as peritonitis from perforation (3%) or jaundice, which may occur with liver metastases (< 1%)

Proper Treatment of Rectal Cancer by Stage
Despite of the dangerous and deadly disease, rectal cancer should be treated properly. It should be treated based on the size on the stage of cancer. Surgery is usually used to treat People with rectal cancers that have not spread to distant. For the better treatment, radiation and chemotherapy may be used before or after surgery.

Ø  Treating Stage 0 Cancer
In this case, you need to remove and destroy the cancer. It can be done by surgery such as removing the polyp, local excision, trans-anal resection.

Ø  Treating Stage 1 Cancer
At the stage 1, the cancer has grown into deeper layers of rectal but not spread outside. This stage infected the part of a polyp. If the polyp can be removed during colonoscopy, the other treatment is not needed. If the cancer is in high grade, more surgery may be advised. In the stage 1, surgery is the main proper treatment. For some cases, adding other therapy is needed when the surgeons find that the cancer is more advanced before the surgery

Ø  Treating Stage 2 Cancer
Stage 2 cancer has not grown through the wall of rectum and may extend to the nearby tissues. The best treatment for people with stage 2 rectal cancer is chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. The order of these treatment may be different from one person to the others.

Ø  Treating Stage 3 Cancer
Stage 3 cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes. The treatment is similar to stage 2 but for people who can’t have chemo for some reasons, surgery might be the first treatment.

Ø  Stage 4 Cancer
Stage 4 cancer has spread to the distant organs and tissues such as liver or lungs. The treatment is different from before because it depends on the content on widespread of the cancer. The most common treatment options include:
  • Surgery - removing the rectal lesion and distant tumors, followed by chemo and radiation therapy.
  • Chemo, followed by surgery - removing the rectal lesion and distant tumors, usually followed by chemo and radiation therapy
  • Chemo, followed by chemo and radiation therapy, followed by surgery to remove the rectal lesion and distant tumors. This might be followed by more chemotherapy.
  • Chemo and radiation therapy, followed by surgery – removing the rectal lesion and distant tumors. This might be followed by chemotherapy.
Thus, a glimpse of the rectal cancer pictures, the signs and symptoms and also the treatment of rectal cancer. Hopefully this information is useful for you. Thank you

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?
Firstly, to acknowledge what are the symptoms of breast cancer, we need to know exactly what breast cancer is.  Breast cancer is a cancer that infects breast tissues. It is usually started in the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply them with milk. It occurs in females. It is categorized as the most invasive common 
cancer for woman in the world.

Secondly, after knowing the definition and also how dangerous the breast cancer is, then we should know is the symptoms and the proper treatment of breast cancer itself. Unfortunately, the symptoms of this cancer is felt by the patient. No one knows if someone has infected this cancer. The patient should care of herself and if the patient finds the symptoms, she should describe it to the doctor or nurse.

Detecting the Symptoms of Breast Cancer
All of the women in the world must be active and reactive to the phenomenon surrounding them. Especially in the case of breast cancer. They should get the correct information related to this cancer. What will be discussed here is the symptoms of breast cancer. There are many symptoms of breast cancer, they are:
·         A lump in a breast
·         Pain in the armpit or breast
·         A rash around one or two nipples
·         A swelling in one armpit
·         A thick area in breast
·         Nipple skin or breast is started to peel
·         The size of the breast changed from before

For a woman or her friend feel the symptoms mentioned above, contact your doctor or nurse to get the first treatment. Discussing with friends or family can be so helpful for whom infected breast cancer.

The Possible Factor Causing Breast Cancer
Although many experts don’t decide exactly the cause of breast cancer, we should take a close look that all disease never comes without some factors. There are some possible factors that can cause breast cancer, see the following statements:
1)     Getting Older
The higher risk of this cancer is the older woman. Most of 80% women in the age over 50 years infected breast cancer.
2)     A History of Breast Cancer
This factor deals with the genetics from family. It can be compared to the woman who has no history of this cancer. The one who has the history in her family is very easy to be infected by the cancer.
3)     Dense Breast Tissue
Having dense breast tissue can trigger breast cancer
4)     Obesity
One of the disease that can be got because of obesity is breast cancer. The solution for is doing a regular diet to control fat.
5)     Alcohol Consumption
Drinking alcohol too much is very deadly and dangerous. There are a lot of victims caused by alcohol, one of the victims can be infected the cancer called as breast cancer.
6)     Radiation Exposure
Undergoing the X-Ray and CT-Scan can increase the woman’s risk developing the breast cancer.

Remember, for the woman who feels the symptoms explained above, you can consult your family, friends, or go to see the doctor to get the correct treatment. Hope this article entitled what are the symptoms of breast cancer will help all of the woman in the world. 
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